Friday, March 1, 2013

Baby Showers!

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I attended a baby shower this past Saturday for a friend that I've known since basic training and my first year of college. As chance would have it, we both separated from the Air Force within two months of each other, for many of the same reasons, and now live within two hours of each other.

I have to admit, a baby shower would never have been my first choice as a Saturday event*. But it turned out to be pretty great. She has an amazing support network of women in her husband's unit that put together an amazing shower. It was beautiful. But they're not only creative wives, they were all-around great people. I was very happy to share my Saturday afternoon with them.

About 1/3 of the women there were pregnant. It got me thinking.
Is that going to be me in a few months?

I want children. I really do. I'm conflicted, though, because I also would really like to go back to work.

Right now, when I'm home, I sometimes feel useless. But I also get a LOT done. I take care of the house. I walk and train our dogs. I shampoo the rugs when they track mud inside. I have time to do all of the grocery shopping, and I even bring my husband his lunch when he forgets it at home.

Even knowing I do all of that, I still feel useless. And I have to wonder - will it be any different when I have a child? I'll be taking care of all of that, plus a lot more. It's a lot of work, and it scares me a bit. Will it still be unfulfilling when I am taking care of my own kids? (I'm not asking for an answer, as I'm sure it's different for every woman.)

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I do know that if I go back to work, I won't have nearly as much time to make cute baby shower gifts like this one! (Thanks, Pinterest!)

* I actually really wanted to go to Nashville. Oh well!

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